Stores for Sale

Jacksonville, FL Laundromat for Sale (West Side)

$ 749,000.00


ID: 190
Type: For Sale
Featured: No
Location: Jacksonville, FL


Established laundromat location. Pricing includes All New equipment package with updated store finishes. Existing cash flow. Total cost: $749,000 Down Payment: $199,000

All figures are projected or approximate numbers. Sales and expense information has been provided to Laundry Brokers, Inc. by the Seller. Laundry Brokers, Inc. has not verified the accuracy of the information and purchaser should make any offers to purchase this business contingent on Seller documenting stated sales and expenses to purchaser's satisfaction. Purchaser acknowledges that Laundry Brokers, Inc. specifically neither guarantees any income nor profits from the use of the equipment. Purchaser represents and warrants that it is not purchasing a franchise. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as creating a franchise relationship. Please confirm asking Prices and Down Payments with your representative, as Laundry Brokers Inc. will not be responsible and/or liable for typographical errors.